My Current Morning Routine With Two Kids:  

Mornings are my favourite part of the day. I love starting the day fresh, opening the blinds and letting in the sunshine, I love the energy, the food, the coffee, my big green juice, the kid snuggles in bed and the slowness of it all before the day starts.Now it is no coincidence that my morning routine has A LOT of little wellness rituals scattered throughout it.I’ve done this on purpose.I’ve made sure that while I’m still getting everyone else up, dressed and fed I’m also looking after myself and I’m ticking off the steps that make me feel my best.This has been a game changer for me and has ensured that I’m actually able to stay on top of my own health and wellness which let’s be honest can easily get lost in the busyness of mum life.Trust me it has the biggest impact on your mood, energy and how you show up for yourself and your family each day.

My Morning Routine with Two Kids:

  • -       5.30-6am Luca wakes us up / Milk feed in bed
  • -       6.30am TV for Luca/ Meditation or reading for me (5-10 mins)
  • -       6.45am Shower, dry body brush, skincare/ Gua Sha/ make-up and hair.
  • -       7.15 am Big lemon water/ put away the dishes / feed the cat and get started on breakfast. At the moment we ‘re loving bircher. My go-to recipe is in my book.
  • -       7.20 am Big green juice with celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger and apple. YUM!
  • -       7.30am Drink juice/ stretch on the play mat with Luca/ Get Georgia dressed
  • -       7.30 am Breakfast with the family at the table. It’s our little ritual and special family time before the day starts.
  • -       8 am Coffee time/ Play time with kids/ Stories before we are ready to head outside and start the day.
  • 8.30 Quick 20 minute pilates on the Mat with the kids while they play or climb on me haha. I’ve even gotten Matt to join in this week so it’s a whole family activity.

I would love to fit in even more wellness rituals like journaling, walking or listening to a podcast but I’m not quite ready to start waking up before Luca and fitting them in so for now I focus on nourishing my body with delicious foods, lemon water and juice in the morning. I do a little stretching, I open the blinds and let light in and I try my best to stay present, to slow down and to have fun.What’s your morning routine like ? Is it similar to mine? I’d love to know.If you loved this post you will love this one on' My Top 10 Daily Wellness Rituals That Take Less Than 3 Minutes’. Read it HERE.  


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