My Plant Based Family Ebook


Renee's cookbook, "My Plant Based Family," offers 50 easy and nutritious plant-based recipes, a guide to creating balanced meals, a 7-day toddler meal plan, and insights on essential supplements for a wholesome diet.


  • A comprehensive guide on crafting the perfect plant-based plate.

  • A 7-day toddler meal plan for balanced nutrition

  • Insights on essential macro and micronutrients for a plant-based diet

  • Information on plant-based supplements for breastfeeding mothers, toddlers, and babies

  • A shopping list to streamline your plant-based grocery shopping

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  • Quick and easy recipes for busy parents

  • Options for batch cooking and meal prepping

  • Nutrient-rich meals to nourish the body and mind

  • A variety of recipes including breakfast, smoothies, snacks, main meals, and sides


50 plant-based, whole food recipes, including weekly essentials, breakfast, smoothies, and juices, snacks and treats, mains meals, and sides.

Learn how to create a balanced plant-based plate

Understand what macro and micronutrients are essential on a plant-based diet and how to add them into your and your family’s meals

Plant-based supplements for a breastfeeding Mumma, toddler and baby

Easy toddler lunches

Meal planning basics

A 7 day meal plan for your plant-based toddler including breakfast, 2 snacks and a dinner, every day.

 A 7 day meal plan template so you can plan out yours or your kids meals for the week

One day meal plan for a 9 month old baby whose just started solids

My plant-based shopping list

Sunday Meal Prep Ideas