I am a huge believer in making time each day for yourself. It doesn’t have to be long, in fact, my favourite wellness rituals normally only take 5 minutes. I even did a post called ‘My Top Ten Daily Self Care Rituals That Take Less Than 3 Minutes.  

Prioritise Your Self Care: 

As busy mama’s we have to plan our days for success otherwise, we can so easily get caught up in the hustle and bustle of mum life, making meals, tidying up, playing, folding washing, and all that goes on with raising beautiful little kiddies, that if we’re not careful we can forget to look after ourselves. I know without a doubt that if I don’t look after myself each day and even just add in a few little rituals like sitting in the sunshine for 5 minutes, listening to a podcast, or simply taking the time to make a nourishing lunch then I seriously feel it. My energy drops, I’m more reactive, I’m less patient and I’m simply not able to show up as the mama, wife, daughter and friend that I want to show up as. It's as simple as that. So today I’m going to share with you Five Wellness Rituals that I love to add into my afternoon while Luca sleeps and Georgia has some quiet time. I know not everyone has this time during the day but I hope that whatever your day looks like that you can fit in a few moments to yourself to stop and focus on you. 


Five Afternoon Wellness Rituals For The Busy Mama

1. 1-2 big glasses of water

The first thing I do once I put Luca down for his sleep and set Georgia up with TV is drink 1-2 big glasses of water. Staying hydrated will energise you, help your skin to glow, help with digestion, reduce hunger and bloat and simply help you feel your best. It's also super important if you’re breastfeeding as your milk supply is the first thing to drop when you’re dehydrated. I love adding lemon to mine and then sitting outside on the deck while I drink it. 2. Sitting Outside and getting some sunshine for 5-10 minutes a dayThis is something that I never use to be very good at but since adding it into my day I have noticed a huge difference in my energy and mood afterward. Try removing your sunglasses, sitting on your deck or lawn, and closing your eyes while facing the sun. It's a beautiful little ritual that can be practiced even on cloudy days as the light still has an effect on your mood and energy. It also forces you to slow down and take a few moments without checking your phone or rushing around. 3. 15-20 Minute WorkoutI like to move my body most days and the one workout that I’ve managed to stick to since having Luca and being stuck at home with kiddies during Covid is Melissa Wood Health flows. They are truly incredible and I would recommend her App to anyone! She does a combination of Pilates and yoga and I always manage to fit in a one of her short workout most days. Her workouts leave you feeling energised, strong, and calm which is such an amazing combination. 

4. Nourishing Plant-Based Lunch

Spending a few moments each day creating delicious, balanced, and nourishing plant-based lunches is one of the most important things you can do as a busy mama. You need energy-boosting food and nourishment to sustain you especially if you have busy little monkeys like my Luca bean who has me running around all day haha. I tend to make a big abundance bowl for lunch. It's my favourite. Or a quick Falafel bowl, or Chia pudding. Tip: Make a big batch of whatever you're making so you can enjoy it for the next day as well.

5. Superfood DrinkI love to boost my energy in the afternoon with a little superfood drink. Sometimes it’s a simple green smoothie like this one or else I’ll make a  superfood hot chocolate if I’m craving something sweet, or matcha latte if I want something special. I hope this list of afternoon wellness rituals shows you that you can fit in daily wellness rituals as a busy mama and that they don’t have to be the most time-consuming rituals to have an incredible impact. I think the secret to creating a day filled with wellness rituals as a busy mama is to find joy in the little things and slow down and make them meaningful and beautiful. 

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 I hope you have a lovely day and if you end up adding in any of my wellness rituals into your day I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at or DM me on Instagram at @wellnessbyreneebrown Renee x


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