Restorative Evening Routine

Having a beautiful restorative evening routine that you lean on to help bring your body into balance after a long day is so important especially for us busy mama’s who go and go all day long.

Here are three things I love to do after a long day to restore my energy, mood and to have a beautiful night sleep.

My Restorative evening routine:

  1. I love making a nourishing adoptogenic hot chocolate. I make mine with raw cashews, dates, ashwangandha, and Reishi (two incredible restorative adaptogens). I also use cacao drops and cacao butter with a little boiling water and blend until creamy. It’s unbelievably good!
  2. I love to meditate before bed when the house is quiet and I can focus on my breathing and slowing down. My favourite apps for meditations are Melissa Wood Health and Superhuman which I rotate between during the week.
  3. The last thing I do is put my legs up against the wall for a few minutes. This is a wonderfully restorative pose that slows down your heart rate, improves circulation, and lowers stress and tension in the body.

Do you do any of these rituals or perhaps you have other ways to wind down? I’d love to hear them.

(p.s if you loved this and want more you’ll love my Nourished Mama eCourse which is coming out early next year. Make sure to sign up to my Newsletter (HERE) so you don’t miss out.


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